Shree Jadkhor Gaudham Panchgavya Utpad Kendra

Ayurvedic product manufacturing centre/unit has been established under "Shree Krishna Balram Gramodyog Nyas”. Our unit is based at Kamdhenu Gaushala of Shree Jadkhor Gaudham, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India.

We are producing the following Panchagavya based ayurvedic products at our manufacturing unit.

  1. Daily use materials: A2 Pure Bilona Ghee, Soap, Herbal Shampoo, Herbal Hair Oil, Toothpaste.
  2. Special Worship materials: Roli, Dhoopbatti, Goraj Tilak, Cow Dung Cakes.
  3. Other materials: Amrit-Dhara, Nasya-Ghrita, Chyawanprash, Triphala Churan, Surbhi Swarnaprashan etc..

It is noteworthy here that Panchgavya is a unite of five elements derived from Mother Cow i.e. Cow Urine, Cow Dung, Cow Milk, Cow Curd and Cow Ghee. Consumption of Panchgavya on regular bases removes toxins from our body, miraculous healing of food addictions, it cures from side effects of Alcohol & Tobacco etc. Ghee, Curd helps to improve immune system.

All our products are made with best quality and purity…

Our few featured products are shown below and Other products can be purchased online through


Bilona Handmade A2 Cow Ghee 1 Litre

Bilona Handmade A2 Cow Ghee 1 Litre

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Amrit Ark – 500 ml

Amrit Ark – 500 ml

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Herbal Shampoo-200 ml

Herbal Shampoo-200 ml

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