Why Saving Cows is Necessary ?

Gau Seva is Govind Seva!!

Gau Mata is Vishwa mata – The universal mother. When we serve our cows, we obtain an abundance of positive energy and our psychic body absorbs it all. This helps energise us and we remain fresh and pure through the rest of the day. A person who serves the cow with total love and sincerity will certainly pass on to the Gau Loka after death and further on to the Brahma Loka. It is noteworthy that one can attain salvation (Moksha) by worshipping the Cow and serving her. Both Lord Krishna and Balram spearheaded the Cow worship and preservation culture.

A Plea to Serve Indian Cows

Cows in India are revered as one of the icons of the country’s culture. Moreover, the cow is a great example of humility as it always gives selfless service, without complaining; the cow gives without any expectation. So reciprocally, let us together join hands to Rescue cows from being killed in slaughter houses and rehabilitate them once again.